Chinese martial arts across the many different systems agree
on the fundamental importance of training the four aspects of shou yan
shenfa bu (hands, eyes, body and footwork).
Within Chinese philosophy there’s a saying often repeated in
martial arts theories that the “mind is the commander.” From a position of
balance and stability the mind decides the appropriate actions the body must
take: “The heart-mind is the lord of the body and the master of one’s spirit
and intelligence. It issues orders, but it takes orders from nothing.” To be
able to do this it must habitually be in a state of “empty single-minded
stillness.” This is described in History of Chinese Philosophy Through its
Key Terms: “’Empty’ refers to not letting the existing knowledge that one
has interfere in or obstruct the reception of new knowledge. ‘Single-minded’
refers to not letting an understanding of another phenomenon interfere with
understanding the phenomenon at hand. ‘Stillness’ refers to not letting one’s
free-wheeling thoughts disturb one’s normal understanding.” With these
qualities in place an instant and appropriate response can be made within any
However, for the above statement to make sense the mind must
have enough information to be able to accurately read any situation. A second
saying is that “the eyes are the vanguard.” In the military tradition of Sunzi
the vanguard is the part of an army that goes ahead of the main body gathering
information on the ground before any tactical decisions are taken.
I was struck by the following vivid description by Teddy
Atlas of the importance of the eyes in a fight. [Atlas has been a well-respected
boxing coach since the mid-1970s, including six years at the legendary Catskill
boxing club of Cus D’Amato. Atlas is perhaps best known for serving as Mike
Tyson’s trainer the first four years of his career and preparing him for the
eventual world heavyweight championship]:
“The eyes are so important in a fight. You must always see
everything. That’s what I mean when I used to call the fights on ESPN and say a
guy’s got “good eyes.” He’s got good vision, he’s calm, he sees everything.
He’s laser-like, he’s concentrated – you have to see! Because if you don’t see
it [an incoming attack], your brain won’t register it coming and you’ll be hurt
more. You can get knocked out; those are the ones that can hurt you even more.
The punches because you don’t have time to prepare yourself for it. You didn’t
see it!” Using the eyes properly allows a fighter to be “… always balanced,
always in position, always ready to take advantage of a mistake.”
Boxing coach Teddy Atlas: "You must see everything" |
Despite the importance placed on the subtle methods handed
down to train the capacity of the eyes in Taijiquan, today many practitioners pay
little more than lip service to this aspect. Within Chen Taijiquan’s syllabus
and its underlying theory is a clear and progressive method for developing the
Stages of
training the eyes
1. In the beginning stages of training the
basic habit of keeping the eyes level is laid down. For example, before
starting the form almost like a mantra checking: the body is loosened as much
as possible with weight sinking down to the feet; the eyes are level and taking
a wide view; breathing is natural and unrestricted; and one’s mind is calm.
Then repeating this process as you go through each of the postures of the form.
2. The habit of keeping the eyes level
is incorporated during jibengong (basic training) and coordinated with
movement at a gross level. For example, during the front reeling silk movement
the eyes look beyond the hand during the upper part of the circle; During the
lower part of the circle, they follow the direction of the hand without looking
3. When a practitioner is very familiar
with the choreography of form and they have laid down a foundation from stages
one and two, the requirements become more stringent. For example, each movement
finishes with a precise focal point of intention. A recent post on a mind
training in Chen Taijiquan included the following examples which are also relevant
in this context:
Performing Single Whip (Dan Bian), “Maintain
visual focus on the left hand which moves left and upward from the lower right
side in a large semi-circle at the front of the body. At the end of the
movement, focus on the middle finger of the left hand… In
Pie Shen Chui (Turn Body and Punch), focus the eyes on the toe of the left
foot, while in Zhou Di Kan Quan (Fist Beneath Elbow) the focus is on the fist
located under the elbow.” (Source: Chen Xin’s
Illustrated Explanation of Chen Family Taijiquan)
4. Throughout the course of each
movement practitioners use intention to use their eyes in relation to their
stepping, direction and the position of a potential opponent. The elements “guard
the left” and “anticipate the right” from Taijiquan’s five methods (jin,
tui, gu, pan ding) refer to skills such as instinctively glancing in the
direction one is going to step before taking the step. Carefully watch any good
football player running with the ball and you’ll catch taking in the situation
around him before releasing the ball. Likewise, in Taijiquan it doesn’t make
sense to step blindly without checking first.
The eyes synchronised with one's footwork, direction and the position of a potential opponent. |
5. The culmination of all the above
factors leads to a place where we can say that the eyes lead, and the intention
follows. Like driving a car where your actions are dictated by the information
taken in through eyes. You wouldn’t dream of driving with your eyes closed or
looking down towards the floor of your car. But this is just how many people
practice Taijiquan. Instead of feeling the movement while keeping awareness of
the outside situation, they are almost transfixed by the “skill” of their own
movement and oblivious to what is going on around them.