Got a great few weeks coming up!- Just picked up GM Chen Xiaoxing from the airport. He returns to our school to do a week-long seminar on the traditional Chen Village staples - Standing Pole/Reeling Silk, Laojia Yilu and Erlu. Then for the next few weeks we'll be accompanying him to the South of England and then to Poland, to my pals Ben Milton (Bristol School of Taijiquan) and Marek Balinski's Chen Academy in Warsaw. In both places covering these same fundamentals. One of my earlier postings highlighted Chen Xiaoxing's "village style" training and his simple advice to anyone trying to emulate the skills handed down by successive generations of Chenjiagou practitioners - "Know the law" and then "follow the law".
Two generations earlier his illustrious grandfather Chen Fake divided the training process into three stages:
1. Learn the basic movements correctly
2. Become proficient in practising the form ACCORDING TO THE RULES
3. Thorough familiarity WITH THE RULES and understand clearly why there are THESE RULES
It's funny how different people percieve this kind of approach to
training. In the world of traditional Chen Taijiquan there really is no other way. One of my long-time students who has trained in China and
attended many seminars happily anticipated Chen Xiaoxing's basic training workshop calling it the "torture session". Others are looking for new exciting things all the time. I guess you take your pick.
Back From the USA

Just got back last week from a great visit to the West Coast of America where we did some really enjoyable sessions at two fine schools - Bill & Allison Helm's Taoist Sanctuary of San Diego (below) and Kim Ivy's Embrace the Moon Taijiquan and Qigong School in Seattle (left). Thanks for making us feel so welcomed
guys and looking forward to our next visit!!